Monday, December 16, 2013
Making the Unit Circle Game
Making the Unit Circle Activity
Here's what ours looked like after we had it assembled:
Tuesday, December 10, 2013
Exact Values Color by Number
Exact Value Color by Number
Thursday, September 26, 2013
Piecewise Function Fun
I started off with this activity that I got from here. I love it because it builds to a piecewise function instead of just diving in. And it lets me review writing equations for lines without having to take out a day just for that. And all the functions are linear, which lets the piecewise functions be the focus instead of reviewing all kinds of different functions (which we would do on another day).
Piecewise Day 1
The next day, we did this worksheet that I got from the fabulous Sam Shah. I like it because it builds on the worksheet we did the day before and throws in a few non-linear pieces to the functions. And it focuses on evaluating piecewise functions. The best part was that we did the worksheet under blacklights using highlighters. The kids LOVED it! I think black light math is something I will incorporate more often, especially when we're graphing, because the graphs done in highlighter really pop!
Piecewise Day 2
Wednesday, September 11, 2013
I'm baaaaaack!
I've had lots of changes this year. My school went from a seven period day to an eight period day this year, so classes got a little shorter and I have a lot more students. My biggest class (an AP Calculus class) is 34 (35 if you count my TA) and my smallest class (a Pre-AP Pre-Calculus class) is 10 (11 if you count my TA). I have a total of 115 students in Pre-AP Pre-Calculus.and 60 students in AP Calculus. This is my 9th year at this school and when I first started, I only had 14 students in AP Calculus. I'm so proud of the fact that so many more kids get exposed to Calculus now! For a school our size, our Calculus numbers are ah-mazing!
I'm also continuing/expanding my flipped classroom this year while also implementing SBG and Interactive Notebooks. As a result, I changed my classroom set-up a little.
Monday, June 24, 2013
My Weekly Diigo Bookmarks (6/21/13)
Monday, June 17, 2013
Monday, June 10, 2013
My Weekly Diigo Bookmarks (6/7/2013)
tags: calculus
tags: trigonometry identities
tags: trigonometry sine curve equation worksheet
tags: biorhythms sine curve trigonometry activity
Coupla Things That Are Working
tags: classroom activities
My Introduction to Rational Functions
tags: rational functions algebra2 precalculus
tags: precalculus trigonometry puzzle
Teaching Statistics: Made 4 Math Monday #2
tags: classroom organization teacher binder
First Day Back (well, on 8/7)... HOLY CHEEEZITS.
Love the idea of getting their 3 fave songs on the first day and making a class playlist....
tags: classroom organization first day procedures
Thursday, June 6, 2013
My best advice is to go right now and sign up. Then play around with the sample binder for a few minutes (that's all it will take because it's just that user friendly) before you dive into making a binder of your very own.
I'll share a few that I've already made.
Pre-AP Pre-Calculus LiveBinder
AP Calculus AB LiveBinder
Review Games LiveBinder
Creating Your Own PLN LiveBinder
If you create one, leave a link in the comments so I can check it out!
Tuesday, June 4, 2013
Friday, May 31, 2013
My Weekly Diigo Bookmarks (5/31/13)
Great Lessons: Evan Weinberg’s “Do You Know Blue?”
tags: lessons programming math
tags: algebra
New Paradigm for Professional Development
tags: PD
tags: stations high school math
7 Easy GIFs That Will Teach You All You Need To Know About Trigonometry In 5 Minutes
tags: precalculus livebinder
Honors Precalc Resources - LiveBinder
tags: precalculus livebinder
Introduction to Geogebra, plus One Big Idea
tags: introduction geogebra
tags: binomial theorem jigsaw precalculus algebra2
- Danica McKellar: Books, Biography, Blog, Audiobooks, Kindle
[SBG] Synthesis Assessments: How Do They Work?
tags: synthesis assessments sbg
tags: formative assessment sbg
tags: senior
Thursday, May 30, 2013
Friday, May 24, 2013
My Weekly Diigo Bookmarks (5/24/13)
tags: student created publication math science
tags: middle school geometry volume surface area lesson activity
Inexpensive & Versatile Whiteboards
tags: whiteboards
tags: precalculus trigonometry graph project
The Order of Operations is Wrong
tags: order operations PEMDAS middle school
tags: middle school estimation surface area geometry activity
tags: algebra2 precalculus conics project
tags: middle school slope activity
FYI: Seniors are SO Over School
tags: end of year senior assignment
Thursday, May 23, 2013
Started Working On My Master's!
I'm getting my Master's through the University of Texas at Arlington. They have an academic partnership that allows you to get your Master's in Curriculum and Instruction - Math Studies completely online. You take one class at a time. Each class runs for five weeks, then you get a week off before the next class starts. It's a total of 36 hours and takes 18 months to complete. I'll let you know how it goes, but after working out some initial technology issues and getting over starting off a couple of days behind because of those issues, I'm pleased with the overall experience.
Friday, May 17, 2013
Sequences and Series Project
Sequences & Series Project
If I were to make one change to it for next year, I think I would have them create a sequence that was neither arithmetic or geometric. But overall, I really like it! It's the perfect project for this time of year.
My Weekly Diigo Bookmarks (5/17/13)
tags: precalculus resources
The 7 Most (And Least) Effective Ways To Improve Student Achievement
tags: improving student achievement
tags: middle school geometry activity
20 Ways To Make Professional Development More Effective
tags: professional development
tags: algebra algebra2 precalculus exponential patterns activity
SCSD: Instruction: Standards-Based Grading
tags: SBG
Mirror, Mirror on the Wall: How Can I Be a Better Teacher Next Fall?
tags: twitter exit ticket
tags: geometry transformations
Speed dating in the math classroom
tags: speed dating activity
Saturday, May 11, 2013
On to Something?
Two young men with lots to say about the quality of education that they're getting from their teachers. I actually saw the video first. In it, a young man by the name of Jeff Bliss, who is an 18 year old sophomore at Duncanville High School (where I spent the first five years of my career) berates a teacher for what he views as her less than stellar efforts to teach his class. I don't want to debate the merits of the manner in which this young man chose to address his concerns, I just want to focus on his words. He's crying out for something better, for a connection with his teacher. How many times have I sat in the lunchroom at school
Update: Just came across another piece written by a teenage boy in defense of teachers. Further proof that there are many in this generation who do get it. I'm actually pretty glad that they're the future of this nation....
Friday, May 10, 2013
Summer Assignments
I have decided, however, to give my students a little summer prep work that will make life easier when we come back in August and a little inspirational summer reading that they'll need to reflect on via posting to a class blog. I'm going to hand these out before we leave for summer vacation to all students who have signed up for my classes, and I'm going to post copies to the school website so that new students can access them over the summer, as well. Let me know what you think. (I'm assigning various chapters from The Joy of X by Steven Strogatz. Check it out. It's AWESOME.
Much of this was inspired by or directly ripped off from contributors to Thanks to all who I blatantly stole from! I'm forever grateful for your ingenuity and willingness to share!
AP Calculus Parent/Student Information Letter and Summer Assignment
Pre-AP Pre-Calculus Parent/Student Information Letter and Summer Assignment
My Weekly Diigo Bookmarks (5/10/13)
tags: series sequences precalculus
tags: polynomial precalculus
tags: mathematics exams
Elementary (Grades 3-5) Tests:Regents Exams:OSA:SAR:EMSC:NYSED
tags: elementary school exams
Intermediate (Grades 6-8) Tests:Regents Exams:OSA:SAR:EMSC:NYSED
tags: middle school exams
SBG Grading Rubric - Shah Style
tags: sbg
tags: post-it printables template
Math Students Repeating Courses Without Success
tags: struggle
tags: struggle
tags: trigonometry precalculus activity
Old and New Create Polar Harmony
tags: precalculus polar activity
Differentiation - Finding the Derivative of a Constant Times a Function
tags: differentiation explained calculus
tags: precaculus polar activity
Three Approaches for Getting Content to Elementary Students' iPads - No Email, No Problem
tags: tech tips elementary school ipad
tags: geometry lesson plans
Friday, May 3, 2013
My Weekly Diigo Bookmarks (5/3/13)
tags: tech tips ipad app ruler measurement
Student Expectations Seen as Causing Grade Disputes
tags: student expectations grade
Testing mandates flunk cost-benefit analysis
tags: standardized testing
20 Ways To Make Professional Development More Effective
tags: professional development
Cynicism Is Contagious; So Is Hope
tags: teaching
tags: function matching activity algebra algebra2 linear quadratics
Assessments: The Collateral Damage of SBG
tags: sbg
tags: achievement gap
#tlap chat 4/29 (with images, tweets)
tags: Teach Like a Pirate Twitter chat
Thursday, May 2, 2013
Concept Checklists for SBG
Pre-Cal Concept Checklist
AP Calculus AB Checklist
Monday, April 29, 2013
More PreCal INB pages....(trig)
Friday, April 26, 2013
My Weekly Diigo Bookmarks (4/26/13)
15 Reasons Why We Should Be Teaching Our Kids To Code
tags: coding programming
Quizdini - Create Online Quizzes That Give Students Instant Feedback
tags: instant feedback tech tips technology
5 Ways to Teach Perseverance in Math Class
tags: perseverance math teach
Student Made Geometry Booklets Improve Assessments – Creativity Strikes Again!
tags: middle school geometry activity project
What is a flipped classroom? (in 60 seconds)
tags: flipped classroom flipped learning
Eighth grader designs standardized test that slams standardized tests
tags: standardized testing
Teacher: How my job went from great to infuriating
tags: teaching nclb standardized testing
Teachers, Professors Differ on What It Means to be 'College Ready'
Transitioning to Standards Based Grading: Retakes and No K's.
tags: teacher for a day activity review
Polar Coordinate Introduction: Battleships!
tags: polar precalculus
STAAR writing test a big step backward
tags: standardized testing
Volume of 3D Shapes with Play-doh
tags: middle school geometry volume activity